Metacoda Custom Tasks Updated

Metacoda Custom Tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

Today we released a minor update to Metacoda Custom Tasks. This update enables the custom tasks to be used with the latest 7.1 versions of SAS® Enterprise Guide® and SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office (in addition to the 6.1 and 5.1 versions).

The custom tasks consist of a Metadata Table Finder and a Metadata Column Finder, which can be added to existing SAS® Enterprise Guide® and SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office installations to help users locate the data (tables and columns) they need.

If you already have Metacoda login you can download the updated version (v1.0.5494.17230) from the Metacoda Customer Portal, otherwise fill out the registration form and we’ll create a login for you.