Recognizing your SAS Admin on #SysAdminDay!

Got plans for Friday 31 July?

SysAdminDay cakeHow about recognizing System Administrator Appreciation Day (#SysAdmin Day), which is held annually on 31 July (this will be the 21st year!).

But what exactly is SysAdmin Day you ask? Well, according to the slightly tongue-in-cheek explanation at, SysAdmin Day is…

“only the single greatest 24 hours on the planet… and pretty much the most important holiday of the year. It’s also the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to the men and women who, come rain or shine, prevent disasters, keep IT secure and put out tech fires left and right.”

Happy SASAdminDayIf you’re like us, you’re probably thinking ‘what a great opportunity to also appreciate our SAS Admins and the often unrecognised work they do to keep our SAS platforms operating to perfection’.

In fact, the Metacoda koalas are so grateful to the SAS administrators around the world that they reckon we should add SAS Admins to SysAdminDay.

So let’s all say ‘Happy #SysAdminDay’ AND ‘Happy #SASAdminDay’!

P.S. Make sure you let your SAS admin know about the SAS User Group for Administrators (SUGA) community. By subscribing they can keep up to date with all the SAS administration and architecture content and event announcements (note: keep an eye out for the ‘save the date’ on #SysAdminDay!).

Metacoda SysAdminDay 2020

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