Audit and Troubleshoot your SAS platform with Metacoda Activity Reviewer Plug-in

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You may have heard at SAS Explore 2023, SAS R&D leader Susan Owenby and SAS CTO, Bryan Harris, shared a sustained vision for SAS®9. Susan stated “SAS®9 is healthy, well used and is being maintained and enhanced”. Following on from the release of SAS 9.4 M8 in January 2023, Susan shared there will be another release of SAS 9. It was great to hear the continued SAS 9 support and we look forward to helping support SAS 9 customers using Metacoda software too.

Audit and Troubleshooting

User Reviewer - Activity by UserSince 2007 we’ve helped many SAS customers with their audit and troubleshooting requirements for SAS 9 metadata, being able to answer the audit type questions of “What does this person have access to?” and “Who has access to this object?”
Other common audit questions such as “What has this person done?” and “What has been done to this object?” cannot be answered from metadata alone and a SAS administrator would need to delve into the SAS server logs.

We’re pleased to let you know that we have released Metacoda Plug-ins 6.2, including a new Activity Reviewer Plug-in with functionality to review and query SAS platform activity log records within SAS Management Console! SAS administrators can now stay within SAS Management Console and see activity information gleaned from recent changes in SAS 9 log files. For example, see audit activity for security access controls, user logins, failed logins and more.

Metacoda presents at a SAS Ask The Expert webinar

If you’d like to know more, read Paul Homes’ Metacoda Activity Reviewer blog post and join us at the SAS Ask the Expert webinar on October 24 at 4pm ET where we will be presenting, How Do You Review Activity In SAS® Management Console?

We look forward to seeing you there!

2 replies on “Audit and Troubleshoot your SAS platform with Metacoda Activity Reviewer Plug-in”

Thank you, Paul and Michelle Homes, for the continuous improvements on Metacoda. Those nice improvements make SAS administrators life easer!

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