Metacoda Koalas Gratefulness

G’day! As the year comes to an end, we wanted to say a special great big koala thanks to our less-furry friends for all your support! We also wanted to show you the following video we made about our adventures in recent years. We’re a bit unusual in our love of adventure given that our […]

Who has access to what?

Metacoda has the answers… Over the last few months we’ve noticed an increase in questions in the SAS community that can be easily answered by Metacoda software. Questions such as… who has access to a SAS metadata object/server/folder etc? how do I create SAS metadata reports showing access, role and capability, logins? can I compare […]

Supporting the SAS community to help keep your SAS platform secure

Metacoda has been meeting the needs of SAS platform administrators and users with our customer-driven productivity tools, since 2007. It’s been an enjoyable 11 years supporting the SAS community by: sponsoring SAS events around the world helping out in the SAS Users Group for Adminstrators (SUGA) community assisting members in sharing knowledge and thought […]

SAS Admin community: Have you joined your tribe?

The SAS Administrator’s role is at times cherished and other times admired, forgotten, loathed or even ignored – sometimes all in the course of a single day! However, there is one thing that remains constant: the success of SAS Analytics relies on how well the platform hums along. If there are issues with, for instance […]

Our European Analytics Intelligence Adventure

In May we wrote about how much we were looking forward to Embracing the Analytics Economy in Europe. Well, the trip sure lived up to our expectations! Over four weeks we travelled to seven countries, sponsored six SAS Forums and user conferences, attended a SAS Business Forum, and visited the SAS office in Dublin. We […]

A true blue un”bear”lievable SAS Global Forum

Last month we wrote about how much we were looking forward to being a SAS Global Forum (SASGF) 2018 sponsor in April 8-11. Well, it certainly lived up to our expectations. Every moment was extraordinary; particularly the time spent connecting with customers, partners, supporters, and friends. It was such a pleasure to cross paths with […]

How Metacoda can help keep your SAS platform secure. See us at SASGF!

Metacoda is excited to once again be a SAS Global Forum (SASGF) sponsor (our seventh consecutive year!) And with a conference theme of Inspire the Extraordinary, it’s guaranteed to be an exceptional time! Last year Charyn Faenza from First National Bank, and I, presented SAS Metadata Security 301: Auditing your SAS Environment, where we described […]

True Blue Metacoda Koalas – #metacodaInDenver

G’Day friends, It’s the Metacoda Koalas here! We can ‘bear’ly contain our excitement about SAS Global Forum 2018 coming up in April (8th-11th)! Did you know

Metacoda koala magical moments from 2017

Happy New Year! It’s us – the Metacoda koalas back again full of effervescence, enthusiasm, and excitement for the year ahead – 2018! We hope your festive season was as relaxing and fun as ours. For us, it was the perfect opportunity to catch up on sleep (we koalas need 20 hours sleep per day, […]

Reflecting on the 2017 Metacoda journey. Wishing you peace, joy & love.